What’s the first picture that comes to your mind when we say ‘animals with big cute eyes’? Adorable, right? Indeed they are! We are so in love with these creatures and their lovely beady eyes that we want to cradle them, but wait, not so soon- the listicle we’ve created has some truly adorable animals with big eyes.
However, they aren’t as adorable in real; some of them are deadly and poisonous. Like the saying goes: Never judge a book by its cover. So, while you are at it, enjoy learning about these cute-looking and adorable with prominently mesmerizing eyes that will make you melt and fall in love with them. Here you go:
1.) Tarsier
The world’s second-smallest primate has large goggling dinner plate-shaped eyes, which makes them irresistible to humans. Tarsiers’ eyes are larger than their brains, and it doesn’t come off as a surprise since these primates have the largest eyes compared to their body size that sets them apart from most mammals.
Tarsiers have long ankle bones, which helps them to launch themselves from one branch to another. Tarsiers can not rotate their eyes. However, the fun fact is that they can rotate their necks to a full 180 degrees, which is more or less comparable to owls.
Tarsier are mainly found on islands of Southeast Asia, including Philippines. Tarsiers are highly introverted forest goblins. Unwanted handling and holdings may cause stress to these small creatures. Under extreme stress or discomfort, tarsiers attempt to commit suicide, banging their soft skulled head against a cage or branches.
Tarsier are nocturnal animals, which is why they are active at night and asleep during daytime. If you wonder what tarsiers eat- live insects like beetles and cicadas are their favorite snacks, including moths and locusts. They also feast on lizards and small vertebrates, most commonly a bat.
2.) Bunny Rabbits
Bunnies are amazing, affectionate, and social pets, well known for their big and astonishingly cute eyes, which makes them popular among pet lovers and kids. A rabbit’s eyes are located high on the sides of its head, which helps them have an almost 360-degree vision, and they can see above their head too.
Although they have 360-degree vision, they have blind spots under their chin, behind them. The regular Rabbit breeds have brown eyes while the most popular breed of Rabbits with crystal blue-eyed is the White Vienna, and the rabbits with gray or brown coats have dusty blue-gray eyes.
Rabbits demand attention and love to hang out around people and other animals. If you give them scratches on top of their heads or behind their ears, they will melt into the floor. The eye sightedness of a rabbit is decreased significantly in bright environments, and they have a clear vision in dim environments.
3.) Dogs
Adorable big puppy eyes are the secret weapon of dogs to manipulate humans to give them affection and attention. Initially, dogs didn’t have this puppy-eyed facial expressions, they developed this expression on their own to communicate with human beings and to make us feel more empathy towards them.
Boston Terrier, Pug, Chihuahua, Japanese Chin, and Basset Hound are the dog species with large, irresistible eyes that would capture your heart. Other than being cute and adorable, dogs have more rods (dim light receptors), which helps them to have better vision at night, and tapetum lucidum(a layer of eye tissue) reflects light into the retina, which is why a dogs eyeshine in the dark, and it also boots their night vision.
4.) Slow Loris
Another small, nocturnal Asian Primates with adorable bright saucer-shaped eyes, button nose, and stuffed bodies. Nycticebus coucang is the scientific name for Slow Loris. Slow loris are nocturnal animals, thus possessing tapetum lucidum, which makes their eyes glow in the dark. They live in evergreen forests and tropical rainforests. Slow loris eat plants that produce nectar, tree gum, and bird eggs. Slow loris are solitary animals and are highly sensitive to stress.
There are nine species of slow loris that are mainly found in South and Southeast Asia. The slow lorises collectively stretch from Northeast India (the Bengal Slow Loris are abundant in this region) and east to Sulu Archipelago. They also have a prominent population lying in the south of the island of Java.
Other than being adorable and fluffy, Slow Lorises are one of the world’s only venomous mammals. The venom of a Slow Loris is activated by combining the toxins secreted from the brachial arm with saliva, and this venom can cause death in small mammals and humans.
Before being traded or sold, Slow lorises have their front teeth that collect the venom cut or pulled out to keep humans safe from coming in contact with the toxic chemicals. Keeping a Slow Loris as a pet is illegal in the United States since they are an endangered species while also being venomous. Slow Lorises are amongst the most ubiquitous affected by illegal wildlife trade due to their high demand as exotic pets.
5.) Owls
The large eyes of an owl contain more rods than human eyes. Hence, their eyes are more sensitive to light. Owls are farsighted, but they can’t focus on close objects. The pupils of an owl don’t get small in bright light, so they close their eyes halfway or more to block extra light, which makes them look sleepy when they are alert and wide awake. Due to the tube-like structure of their eyes, they don’t move their eyes; instead they swivel their head, which gives them an almost 270-degree vision.
The Great Horned Owls have the largest eyes of any other owl, and they are mostly found in North and South America. Owls have different color eyes like Yellow, Orange, Dark Brown, or Black and Blue.
Owls avoid humans, and they may become aggressive if they feel threatened or if you are too close to their nest or babies.
6.) Chameleon
The chameleons are a sight to see, especially while they are in camouflage. Their eyes have unique anatomy and the ability to switch between monocular and binocular vision with a 360 degrees eye rotation capability. Chameleons can see more colors than we do, and they can see even the UV rays.
Chameleon being coldblooded, love basking in the sun emitting UV rays. When exposed to Ultraviolet rays, they show increased social behavior. The eyes of a chameleon are not efficient at night time due to the absence of rods.
Some species of chameleons such as Calumma and Furcifer (also Brookesia) are exclusive to the islands of Madagascar. However, in general, chameleons are found in India, Hawaii, California, and numerous other places with a tropical climate.
Chameleons being a solitary animal, unwanted handling, or forced handling can cause hissing and biting. A Chameleons bit isn’t harmful or toxic to human beings but painful. Chameleons are slow-moving and silent creatures that don’t require much attention and love to be alone.
7.) Sphynx Cats
This Canadian breed of cats is well known for its lack of coat (fur) and big eyes. Sphynx cats have no whiskers or eyelashes, their eyes are deep-set, and are lemon-shaped. Sphynx cats have different eye colors like deep blue, yellow, and grey eyes with orange specks.
Sphynx cats are such cuddlers that they would do anything downright clumsy and funny to attract your attention, asking you to give them those big-time cuddles. Sphynx Cats are highly social, intelligent, energetic, and loyal cats who crave human attention.
These social and super cute cats mostly come in all colors, including white, black, cameo, tortoiseshell, blue-cream, brown, etc. Due to the lack of protective fur, they are 4 degrees warmer than a regular cat, and skin cancer may be a problem if they are exposed to sunlight for a long time.
Sphynx cats with their tabby, ticking, shaded patterns are considered to be a symbol of good fortune and abundance in Russian myths and culture; thus, they are the preferred pets of many Russians.
8.) Lizard
Many lizards change color like chameleons and anoles, with their coloration allowing them to communicate with each other. Some beautiful species of lizards are Thorny dragon, Rock agama, Marine iguana, and Tokay gecko. Lizards use their tongue just like the snakes to detect enemies or to find food.
Except Antarctica lizards can be found in any continent, they can survive in all habitats except cold areas and deep oceans. Some lizards like green iguana have a third eye on top of their head, helping them to regulate hormone production. Sadly, the Guatemalan beaded lizard, a mesmerizing sight in the world of lizards, is an extremely endangered species.
There are a handful of lizard species that truly enjoy human company and seek human attention- the most popular species of lizard is bearded dragons found in Australia. They are the most docile and friendly lizards. The blue agama lizard is the most colorful lizard found in the deserts of the Red Sea.
9.) Tree Frog
Tree frogs are the arboreal species of frogs, who spend most of their lifespan in trees. The jewel-like eyes of tree frogs are situated on top and both sides of their head, which gives them an almost 360-degree vision.
Tree frogs are mainly green, gray, yellow, and brown colored, and they change color according to their mood, temperature, and environment. Some tree frogs are nocturnal, which adds to their ability to hide; they sleep during the daytime, and at night they ambush insects with their long and sticky tongue.
The tree frogs have mild toxin secretions that coat their skin, which is slippery; thus, aiding in their hiding in the surroundings, which is poisonous but has no severe effects on humans.
Tree Frogs are mainly found in Mexico, Northern South America, and in Central America. They are insectivores and basically eat anything (small enough to fit their mouth) that they find flying or crawling like moths, ants, etc.
10.) Finger Monkey
Finger monkeys or pygmy marmosets are the smallest breeds of monkeys with sweet and adorable eyes and downright heart-melting gestures. They are named so because they are so tiny that they might as well wrap around your fingers like they are hugging it.
Finger monkeys have a mane-like fur around their head, which resembles a lion mane, and their eyes are big and almond shaped. Other than Finger Monkey, they are also referred to as thumb monkeys or little lions. In relation to their tiny size, they are often referred to as pocket monkeys as well.
These creatures live high in the treetops of South American rainforests. Pocket Monkeys love to socialize, living in groups of 6-10, so it’s preferred to buy finger monkeys in pairs. Pygmy Marmosets show antagonism to their fellows using inaudible ultrasonic cries that can otherwise not be heard by humans.
Though they look adorable and harmless, Pygmy Marmosets are also known for their aggressive side, they have long sharp teeth and claws which may hurt you or children in your home, so we’d suggest you think twice before deciding to pet one.
Bonus animal you will drool over
Bush Babies
Galago or Bush Babies, also known as Nagapies (night monkeys), are one of the smallest nocturnal primates, with astonishingly cute saucer-shaped eyes with a layer of tissue called tapetum lucidum, helps them to see in extremely dim light and makes their eyes shine in the dark. Bush Babies have soft, woolly fur with gray, brown, and reddish to yellowish-brown colors.
Bush Babies have a double tongue; the additional tongue is made of cartilage underneath the regular tongue, which plays an important role in growing. Despite their small size, Bush Babies make loud wailing sounds like human babies, and hence they are babies; they also make other high-pitched screams, which include grunting, clucking, whistling, and they grunt when they are ready to fight.
The diet of Bush Babies consists of fruits, insects, and gum oozing out from trees like acacia, and the big ones feed on small animals like frogs and birds. Bush Babies are arboreal animals who spend most of their lifespan living in trees. They are mostly found in forests throughout sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya, and on the islands of Zanzibar.
As exotic pets, you can legally pet them in Nevada, Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. However, you should know that they are usually transient, and being a solitary animal, unwanted handling may cause aggression, and their bite can be deadly because it causes an anaphylactic shock.